The smart Trick of ceesdekker That No One is Discussing

The smart Trick of ceesdekker That No One is Discussing

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Midway via his occupation, Cees Dekker reinvented himself. Soon after decades of hardcore physics, he shifted his aim to ‘nanobiology’ within the flip in the millennium. A expression he coined himself, to be a make a difference of reality.

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Non-equilibrium folding of individual DNA molecules recaptured up to 1000 times inside of a sound state nanopore

Dekker is naast zijn wetenschappelijk werk ook bekend vanwege zijn belangstelling voor de relatie tussen geloof en wetenschap en de discussie rond intelligent design and style in 2005. (nl)

Cornelis (Cees) Dekker (Haren, 7 april 1959) is een Nederlandse natuurkundige en universiteitshoogleraar verbonden aan de Technische Universiteit Delft. Van 2010 tot en satisfied 2018 was hij tevens directeur van het Kavli Institute of Nanoscience in Delft. Zijn vakgebied is de moleculaire biofysica; hierbij beweegt hij zich op het grensvlak van de natuurkunde en de biologie waarbij hij gebruikmaakt van de zogeheten nanotechnologie, de technieken om aan enkele atomen en moleculen te kunnen meten.

Several relevant developments adopted, the place our team recognized unique transistor variants which include one-electron transistors at room temperature and intramolecular nanotube junctions that acted as rectifying diodes, and coupled multiple transistors into small proof-of-principle Digital circuits.

Dynamic ParB–DNA interactions initiate and sustain a partition condensate for bacterial chromosome segregation

In 1993, being a youthful and eager associate professor at Delft University of Technological know-how, I had to begin with concentrated the investigation efforts of my group on measuring the electrical conductance of a single conducting-polymer molecule. Inside of two yrs, we experienced created a device wherein an individual wire of the phthalocyaninepolysiloxane polymer was related between two intently spaced metal nanoelectrodes.

But carbon nanotubes have remained a analysis subject of substantial curiosity to numerous. Indeed, the outlook on using carbon nanotubes to build simple equipment, in parts for instance radio-frequency electronics, digital electronics and flexible electronics, remains dazzling.

‘The concept that There may be this kind of thing like a starting, a giant bang, is now an interesting signpost to contemplate that there was a creator. But far more commonly, and on The premise of pure rationality, I also get there in a Christian interpretation of reality. An atheistic worldview is really a naturalistic worldview: fundamentally, you'll find only atoms and normal forces that we could evaluate.

Later on we spoke once more briefly mainly because Dekker felt that our discussion of his faith speedily turned purely philosophical, While it also concretely aids him in his get the job done.

Developments in nanotechnology in the 1990s created constructing Digital products from solitary molecules a probability. Cees Dekker recounts how his workforce established a room-temperature transistor based on a single carbon nanotube.

2013, managed shaping of Reside bacterial cells into arbitrary styles; and discovery of spontaneous fluctuations while in the handedness of histone tetrasomes

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